To All Demons

Do you think that he who lies to all, will tell the truth to you?
Will thirty pieces, shining bright, buy you a future true?
What brought you to the pivot point, that caused you to choose darkness?
Why do you want to be a soul, who’s sinful, mean, and heartless?
And when you see this God of yours; does he cause you true delight?
Have you met him in the daytime; or is it just at night?
Your numbers and your symbols, replace your lost ability
To face life’s random changes with a brave acceptability
Your plans and devious schemes, show weakness in your nature
You never dare to trust fair odds, or make an honest wager
You like to own both sides, so you will never lose
And then pretend good judgment, is a gift you like to use
But all your devious dealings, will one day fall apart
All of them seen clearly, by those of human heart
Your anger and your hatred, for man and his creator
Will show you up for what you are, a liar and a traitor
Now forever darkness, is going to be your plight
All your future days that pass, will now be seen as night
The door to light is closed to you, locked by your own choice
No action can you take for self, or speak with truths just voice
© Steve Bentley