Has Anyone Got Change?

Yes, and plenty of it
So, let’s accept it all right now
And presume that we can’t stop it
Has anyone got change?
Yes, but not by choice
We must obey the Covid God
We must give up our voice
Has anyone got change?
Of course, discard your freedom
That will make the Demons smile
Watch TV, you’ll see them
Has anyone got change?
Of course, we’ll all stay home
Don’t even think to venture out
You’re not allowed to roam
Has anyone got change?
Yes; snitch on your neighbour
Kiss the arse of Government
They’ll pay you for the favour
Has anyone got change?
Of course, roll up your sleeve
Let the poison flow through you
Don’t doubt it, just believe
Has anyone got change?
Don’t think your life’s your own
And as for times of liberty
Pretend you’ve never known
Has anyone got change?
Well yes, let’s all wear masks
Then sanitise our homes all day
And other pointless tasks
Has anyone got change?
Isn’t that enough?
Well no, they need to check on you
In case you get a cough
Has anyone got change?
Accept a tiny chip
So they can track your every step
Don’t think of jumping ship!
Has anyone got change?
Do you want to make it worse?
Or rid yourselves of Government
And end the Devils curse?
© Steve Bentley